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Privacy policy

1.Who is responsible for data processing?


Sognefjord Ferie is responsible for processing the personal information collected by the company on its own website and booking system. This applies to information about our customers who have a customer relationship, or a potential customer relationship, and who use our services. The fact that we are responsible for processing means that we are obliged, among others, to inform you about how we use your personal data and to protect your personal data.


It is important for us that you feel your personal information is safe with us, and our privacy policy should provide you with information on how we work to accommodate this. If you have any questions about how we process your personal information, you are welcome to contact us. See contact information at the bottom of the privacy statement.


2.Where stored personal data:


The personal data of our customers and partners can be stored:

  • In our cloud service, Microsoft Outlook and Google,

  • In our Sirvoy booking system.

  • In lockable room.

  • In password protected folder on PC

  • In systems with our partners like Total Rekneskap AS.


3. Correctly secure, archive and delete the information


3.1 Securing Your Personal Information

We want to ensure that the processing of your personal data at all times is in line with legitimate treatment. In addition, we have agreements with co-operation partners and suppliers to ensure that your personal data is processed in a safe and sound manner (cf. data processing agreement).


3.2 Storing personal data

Sognefjord Ferie stores personal data about its customers, partners and others who have been in contact with us, in their own register in a folder on password-protected PC. Otherwise, the information will be stored in our cloud, which is secured by Microsoft's security. For customers, we will store the information as long as there is a customer relationship.


3.3 Deletion and storage

In Section 1 of the Personal Data Act, cf. Article 17 of the GDPR, we will not store your personal data any longer than necessary to carry out the purpose of the processing. In accordance with Section 13, 2. of the Book-keeping Act, certain information, such as contracts and invoices, names, address and customer number, shall be stored for 5 years after the customer relationship has ended.


After the retention period of 5 years, we will have deleted and / or anonymized all personal data that can identify you as a customer. If we process personal data on the basis of your consent, delete it when consent is withdrawn.

4. Overview of personal data processed

Above we have stated what kind of information we process for different purposes and on different grounds. Here we give an overview of information we can process about you (can apply to anyone who is a customer or partner to Sognefjord Ferie):

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Phone number 

  • Private address

  • E-mail address

  • Account number (in rare cases)

  • IP address.

5.Why is your data stored?

Your personal data is stored for the purpose of allowing us in Sognefjord Ferie to register a cabin / apartment / boat booking for you as a customer. Or in the context that you should be able to maintain contact with you as a customer / partner.


6. Data Processors

6.1. Communication and processing of your queries

When you contact us by phone or sms, your name and phone number will be registered in our register and with our mobile operator. When you contact us by mail, your e-mail will be registered. If you contact us by chat features like Facebook Messenger, your name will be registered with us. And if you use our contact form or booking on our website, all information given will be registered. All records are also stored in a directory in our cloud service.


7. Your rights

You have a number of rights regarding your personal information.

You have among others:

  • Right to know the use of your personal data (Section 1 of the Personal Data Act, cf. GDPR Article 15),

  • Right to data portability of your personal data (Section 1 of the Personal Data Act, cf. GDPR Article 20).

  • Right to promote a contradiction (Section 1 of the Personal Data Act, cf. GDPR Article 21)

  • Right to request correction of information (Section 1 of the Personal Data Act, cf. GDPR Article 16)

  • The right to have your personal data deleted or the processing restricted (Personal Data Act § 1, cf. GDPR Articles 17 and 18)


7.1 Complaints

You have the right to appeal to the Datatilsynet for our processing of your personal data. However, we encourage you to always contact us first.


7.2 Requirements for identification

For example, if you ask for access to your personal information, we must know that you are actually who you claim to be. Therefore, you must identify yourself to gain access to your personal data. Your request will be answered within 30 days of the request. The information will be sent by email (do not apply to sensitive personal information).  



8.Contact information 

For questions, or if you want access, rectification or deletion, please contact:

Sognefjord Ferie by Mona Hjartholm

Sognefjordvegen 1416 5961 Brekke

Mail :

Mobil: +47 481 74 451 870570082

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